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About Aethrin


Aethrin, sometimes nicknamed ‘aetherlings’, are elemental beings blessed by the Six Sisters, the aether’s elemental creation goddesses. Although the Six are long gone, the aethrin’s crystalline blood echoes their ancestral purpose - to seek out a fragment of elemental power called an “essence” and keep it close to preserve the aether’s balance.


When the Six Sisters passed on, they left behind droplets of divine blood that crystallized to create their children - ancient dragonlike beings called the Primals. When two Primals combine their aether, a tiny crystal - a “heartshard” - is formed, and one of the Primals breathes life into it. A baby aethrin is born, called a ‘bean’. Blind and weak, these tiny creatures have one purpose - the “Seeking” by which they search for their destined essence. Once the essence is found, the aethrin undergoes an instant metamorphosis into a fullgrown being, gaining their adult forms and ability to shapeshift.


In their elemental forms, aethrin are four legged, usually wingless, ferret-like draconic creatures with crystals sprouting from their bodies. This form may range in size from a ferret, to a wolf, to even a horse. Aethrin can also take the form of a humanoid to blend in with mortal society. They may also have a beast form, with the type of animal determined by their elements or essence. Both humanoid and beast forms keep the aethrin’s general colors and features, as well as some of the body crystals. In humanlike form, the aethrin may keep areas of fur, tails, paws and claws, ears, etc, or may omit these.


Aethrin Essences

An essence is any specific aspect of nature, emotion, or energy. Each aethrin has one essence for life, with only a few exceptions, and they innately feel drawn to it. They rely on gathering, protecting, and interacting with their essences for nourishment.


Fire essences embody heat, destruction, passion, energy and ferocity.

Water essences embody elemental water, coldness, flow, cycles, serenity, memory, and fury.

Earth essences embody flora and geology, life, death, stability, sustenance, and calamity.

Air essences embody change, weather, winds, freedom, clarity, and movement.

Aether essences embody the heart, mind, soul, dreams, fate, omens, and physical and supernatural forces.

Void essences, a rarity, are fragments of chaos, corruption, enervation, decay, and emptiness, representing the unraveling and consumption of all other elements.


Physical essence examples - Rain, sunshine, cirrus clouds, forest fires, pyrite, sapphires, juniper, starlight, lightning

Spiritual essence examples - Joy, nostalgia, heartbreak, fear, dreams, secrets, forgotten memories, generosity


Primals and Paragons


Aethrin may have one or two elements, depending on which Primals created them. A list can be found on the Gods of the Sevensix page. The primary element is associated with the Primal who breathed life into the aethrin’s heartshard, and this Primal is the ‘parent’ the aethrin associates with. Sometimes the secondary Primal might ask a favor here and there.


On very rare occasions, aethrin who have lived long lives and amassed great power may be chosen by their Primals to be named "Paragons", undergoing a brutal series of trials for the title. They may either gain a third Primal's blessing and mastery over three elements, or be selected by one Primal to serve as a powerful agent. Paragon aethrin gain special abilities and features that draw them closer to their divine origins.


Aethrin in Society


Aethrin may be social creatures, freely integrating with mortal society, or they may choose to be reclusive. They are immortal and may live for many centuries, gaining great knowledge and experience. Many opt to carry special items they enchant with magic to serve as energy reserves, as well as fragments or tokens of their essences. They tend to be very sentimental and like to reminisce on their quests and interactions with mortals. Generally aethrin are benevolent beings - but their lived experiences, and their relationship with society, may turn them to darker causes. They are overall quite rare creatures, and seeing one - and even moreso knowing one - is a fortunate thing for a mortal. Aethrin enjoy the company of daimons with similar goals and aims, such as those serving Mundus, as well as entities like Sacred Taurians who work to preserve natural balance. Elemental spirits like mogi are also frequent allies. They may love or dislike mortals like manu depending on their individual experiences.

Aethrin Naming Conventions


Aethrin enjoy names that embody or reflect upon their essences, their elements, or some other aspect of themselves. They either discover names for themselves or are named by mortals who they befriend in their travels. For instance, an aethrin was named 'Ringo' as a bean by an elderly manu in honor of his lost son. Others may go by the literal name of their essences, such as 'Juniper', or 'Quicksilver', or words in other tongues with similar meanings. Some prefer magical or elemental-themed names such as 'Ember', 'Aquarius', 'Morpho', or 'Ignis'.

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