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About Sacred Taurians


Sacred Taurians are immortal, aetherial beings formed from the souls of noble animals who, by dying in some special way - such as sacrifice, altruism, or bravery - have been chosen by the god Mundus, Lord of the Wilds (see Gods of the Sevensix) to be reincarnated to serve as protectors of nature. Granted sapience, everlasting life, and supernatural power, Sacred Taurians do not remember their past lives, but are born deeply connected to their purpose, and to the place in which they died. These locations become a Sacred Taurian’s hallowed ground, their beloved home and habitat. 


A Taurian is tasked with guarding their home until they meet their end, and many (but not all) chose to remain within its borders at all times. They feel damage to their hallowed ground as physical and mental pain and anguish. A healthy Taurian is one whose home ecosystem is pristine and flourishing. However, there are dark tales of Taurians whose habitats were irreversibly destroyed by disaster or mortal hands, and woe befall those who cross these cursed spirits’ paths...


Animal Souls


Taurians’ animal souls may take the forms of mammals, avian creatures, reptilians, and amphibians - and more rarely, sea creatures, insectoids, and fully fantastic animals may appear, such as saurians, draconic creatures, and hybrid animals like gryphons. These oddities might occur when multiple animals are anointed together, or a rare creature becomes chosen.


Normally, a Sacred Taurian appears as a centaur-like being, with a humanoid upper body and a lower body, ears, and facial features inspired by their animal soul. Regardless of the animal, all Taurians possess one or more horns on their heads (most commonly two). They may also change shape if needed, alternating between a fully humanoid form, retaining only the horns and subtle animal features (passing easily as a Capry), their natural centaur form, and a Sacred Beast - a large version of their animal soul possessing the signature horns, powers, and Life Runes.


Life Runes


The magic that binds Sacred Taurians to their animal souls and restored them to life takes the form of a rune-like marking that repeats itself in various spots on the Taurian’s body. They always manifest on the forehead and chest, and may appear anywhere else, like the hands, animal feet, tails, or wings. These runes are used to channel a Taurian’s druidic magic.


Sacred Taurians in Society


Many Sacred Taurians are deeply reclusive creatures rarely seen by mortal eyes, preferring to hide as an unseen or disguised force within their hallowed grounds. Many have deep-rooted distrust of mortals, seeing them as potential dangers to their habitats. Others wish to protect their lands by gaining mortal insights and knowledge, and might become curious to travel and adventure beyond its borders, even making friends and loves along the way. Regardless of how far a Taurian travels, they always know the way home, and always know its health. 


Taurians who have lost their homes and become corrupted - known as Desecrated Taurians - are deeply spiteful and hateful beings whose desires have been consumed by the urge to destroy all that they touch - wishing to inflict upon others the pain they have suffered and witnessed. These entities are dangerous beings and feared by mortalkind. They appear as frightful, undead-like versions of themselves, with rotting flesh, exposed bones and innards, sunken skin, and dark black eyes.


Sacred Taurian Naming Conventions


Sacred Taurians prefer to name themselves with simple, natural names reflecting their homelands. These may be words or phrases, or even titles associated with the locations they guard. Others, especially those that travel, might adopt mortal nicknames of any flavor.


Examples: Blightwood, Darkhollow, Crystal Glacier, Rivervale, Mesa, Tundra, Savanna, Abyssal, Guardian of Mistspire Peaks, Spirit of the Mushroom Forest, and names associated with mortals they interact with.

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